X.D. Global Apps

Final Heroes 33.2.0
X.D. Global
Swords and fire take over the world, letting reason die in thebattle for power and conquest! In these troubling times, myths areall that remain The battle for power shall begin now, prepareyourselves! Myths are no longer just stories, they come to life inthis fantasy-focused strategy game. Three empires fight to conquerthe world and the evils that lie within it. Choose your empire andachieve ultimate victory! Features: *Global PvP Arena Fight playersfrom all over the world to achieve ultimate victory! *FantasyHeroes Craft your team and strategy from over 40 different heroeswith unique skills to choose from! *Defend your Palace During theEmpire War, beasts will invade your kingdom! Defeat the enemies andprotect your allies! *Build your Empire Build your own Empire!Upgrade your buildings and create your own army to fight for glory!
カルディア・ファンタジー魔物姫たちとの冒険物語 1.0.041
X.D. Global
【世界観】 カルディア・ド・アベル(KarDia touAbel、通称カルディア)——その広大な大陸の名は、そこに住まう人々の古い言葉で“家”を意味する。そもそもカルディア大陸に人類はおらず、魔物姫の楽園だった。人類同様に知恵をもつ魔物姫たちはこの土地に完璧な社会、輝かしい文明を築き上げていた。さらに、大海原を乗り越えてやってきた外来者——人類から大陸にない技術も学んだことで、彼女たちはカルディアの地に寄り添い、人類とともに生き続けることができたのだった。しかしh760年、人外の黄昏(Ragnarök)と呼ばれる巨大な災害が突如発生。カルディア大陸の文明は大きく衰退、たちまち未開の時代へ逆戻りし、魔物姫とともに暮らしていた人類は過酷な生活を強いられることとなった。わずかな光明すらも見出せない暗闇の歳月の中、カルディアに残った一部の人類は、高位の魔物姫から庇護を受け、「天界の神々」を奉戴する国を新たに建国した。また大陸のもう一方では、数百年に及ぶ開拓の果てに「冒険者」という名の新たな秩序も誕生していた。時は過ぎてh1150年のある日、アグレーンという名の、ある辺境の領主が魔物姫を飼いならすことに成功した。トレーナーの誕生だ。人類はそれまでの知識を集め、魔物姫を飼いならす方法を組み立てていった。こうして人類はいくつもの困難を乗り越え、カルディアの地に、再び高度に発達した「トレーナー」文明を創造することに成功したのだ。見習いトレーナーたちよ、自分の魔物姫を育成し、最強のトレーナーを目指そう! 【ゲームの特徴】 ▼魔物姫の収集と育成カルディアでは100種類もの魔物姫があなたを待っている!魔物姫は卵から生まれ、魔物卵——幼年体——成年体と3段階の進化を経て、あなただけの魔物姫へと成長するよ!▼シナリオとストーリー広大なカルディア大陸には、たくさんのクエストがちりばめられている。クエストをクリアし、特殊なシナリオCGを集めたり、人々や魔物姫と出会ったりして、彼女たちの秘められたストーリーを楽しもう!▼バトルの操作はとても簡単。魔物姫を組み合わせてチームを作り、オリジナルスキルを使いこなしてステージをクリアしていこう。ステージを進めれば、もっと色々なスキルを手に入れることができるよ!▼牧場の建設と経営 トレーナーとなり、自分だけの魔物姫牧場を作ろう!自由に建設、改造が可能なので、どんな牧場も思いのまま!▼錬金と装飾様々な材料を自由に組み合わせ、錬金によってレア装備を作り出せ!集めた材料は装飾と交換できるから、魔物姫達を新しい、綺麗な衣装に着替えさせることができるよ!
Eternal City 1.32.40
X.D. Global
7 days reborn Urban fantasy RPG
테이스티 사가 1.4.2
X.D. Global
[미식 계약 체결, 저의 파트너가 되어주세요!] 식신 계약이 현실로! 최고의 일러스트레이터가 그려낸 각지의 특별한음식들이 식신으로 응하여 마스터님을 찾아갑니다! 밀크, 야채 샐러드, 빙탕후루, 스시, 푸아그라 등 모두와 식의 계약을진행하고 교감을 해주세요~ [최고의 성우진과 함께 아름다운 식신의 음성을!] 일본 최고의 성우진! 스즈키 타츠히사,사와시로 미유키, 하나에 나츠키, 에구치 타쿠야, 무라세 아유무, 사쿠라 아야네, 키타가와 리나, 테라시마 타쿠마, 오노켄쇼, 카와스미 아야코, 유우키 아오이 등 유명 성우 대거 발탁! 식신의 캐릭터에 걸맞는 개성만점 매력을 발산시켜 전에없던 남다른 체험감을 마스터 님께 선사합니다! [DIY경영을 통해 나만의 레스토랑 가꾸기!] 사실적인 가상 레스토랑경영을 통해 3大 요리계열의 수만가지 음식을 예술로 승화! 공간 배치와 가구 인테리어를 통해 나만의 개성이 듬뿍 담긴레스토랑을 꾸며봐요! 또한, 레스토랑의 배달은 24시간 연중무휴! 경영, 커뮤니티 등 다양한 플레이 대개방! [사악한낙신 강림, 함께 티르레를 구하자!] 악의 영체 – 낙신이 티르레 대륙을 위협하고 있습니다! 식신과 함께 사악한 낙신에대항하세요! 기이하고 변화무쌍한 전장의 날씨 변화는 마스터에게 더 큰 시련을 가져다 줄 것입니다. QTE차단으로 더빠르고 효율적으로 낙신의 약점을 공략해 티르레를 구해주세요! -------------------------- -SD읽기/쓰기 (EXTERNAL_STORAGE) 기기, 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스 (필수적 접근 권한) 이 권한은 외장메모리에 게임을 설치하기 위해 필요한 권한입니다. 권한 허용 후 용량 부족 상황 시 외장 메모리에 게임을 설치할 수있습니다. 고객님의 사진과 파일에는 접근하지 않으니 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다. -오디오권한(EXTERNAL_STORAGE•RECORD_AUDIO) 녹음 기능을 사용하기 위해 애플리케이션의 레코딩 사용 권한과디바이스 외부 저장 공간 사용 권한을 허용해주시기 바랍니다.
サファイア・スフィア〜蒼き境界〜 4.1.2
X.D. Global
Chapter 5 is set to live in the main character's hometown!
디비니티 사가 1.9
X.D. Global
Summon legendary heroes to create a true civilization. An alliance,an alliance, can be a shortcut to prosperity.
Wasteland Lords 1.1.15
X.D. Global
Be proud of the shelter you build. Become wise by exploring thenuclear wasteland. Learn new ways to survive in a world ravaged bya devastating nuclear war! Wasteland Lords is a strategy war gamethat takes place after the world has suffered from acivilization-ending nuclear war. You have been appointed as one ofthe leaders of the shelters scattered across the radiated sands.Protect your people, struggle to survive, develop new technologiesand buildings, and explore the wasteland filled with the Infected!Out of resources? Overwhelmed by mutants? Attacked by anothershelter? Just follow the number one rule of the wasteland: Dowhatever you must in order to survive! Game Features - Build andmanage a sprawling underground shelter! It's up to you tometiculously plan and manage your shelter. Use your new home as abase as you explore an endless wasteland! - Plan your battles fromas far as you lead troops to battle! Check the world map to engagein strategic battles against vicious rivals in a hostile wasteland.Join your clanmates together in battle as you lay siege to othershelters and conquer the new world! - Adjust your tactics and viewdetailed battle replays! Four classes of troops paired with skillsfrom loads of wasteland heroes create unimaginable combinations!Feel like you need to up your game? Watch replays of all yourbattles to make tactical adjustments as you see fit! - Retrofitgiant steel mechas to crush your enemies! Pilotable mechas for wardominate enemies with ease and send fear into their hearts! Mechasmay be used in multiple modes and allow you to explore the mostdangerous areas of the post-apocalyptic wasteland! - ConquerAvernus' Rift, an all new battle mode! Avernus' Rift is a giantbattlefield with dimensions of 200x100. Watch your troops andclanmates as they struggle for victory in this sandbox-stylebattlefield. - Explore the Roguelike world of the Darklands! Pilotyour flying Darklands Mecha within caverns that spread deep beneaththe earth's crust. Who knows what shocking surprises await? [AppPermissions] • android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Thepermission needed for reading photos, media and files on yourdevice The permission needed for installing the game in your device* This application will not access your personal photo or files •android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE The permission needed forwriting game application resource The permission needed forinstalling the game in your device * This application will notaccess your personal photo or files [App Permissions]•android.permission.CAMERA Permission required for utilizingin-game Camera function. Permission required for creating in-gameavatar from a photograph. *This application will not acess anypersonal files.
캐러밴 스토리 3.5.11
X.D. Global
Adventure MMORPG evolved to play more
벽람항로 6.1.300
X.D. Global
Battlefield'll wait in the ocean we met together. Together withmore than 150 ship-based characters Moe girl Tuesday RPG!
Ulala: Idle Adventure 1.167
X.D. Global
Ulala is an ultra friendly idle mobile game set in the stone age
LifeAfter: Night falls 1.0.176
X.D. Global
Mobile Survival Game in a post virus apocalyptic world.
제5인격 1.0.752297
X.D. Global
Is everything you see true Asymmetric survival multiplayer matchgame, thrilling 1vs4
라이프애프터 1.0.171
X.D. Global
Season 5 Escape Park
소녀전선 3.0200_318
X.D. Global
New mini-game [Roughberry Chess] Defeat other players' horses orcomplete the course to earn points and win.
非人類学園 4.0.22
X.D. Global
You can enjoy a hot battle that makes your hands sweat in a shorttime of 12 minutes per game! Now, choose your favorite hero, defeatthe enemy with teamwork with your friends, and push forward!